home 1907 introduction population tables
Key to codes used in the both the original and web tables (shown after place-name)
e The areas are those supplied by the Ordnance Survey Department, except in the case of those with an ‘e,’ which are only estimates.( more)
† after the name of a civil parish indicates that the parish was affected by the operation of the Divided Parishes Acts. (more)
* after the name of a parish (or place) indicates that such parish (or place) contains a union workhouse which was in use in (or before) 1851 and was still in use in 1901.
‡ after the name of a parish (or place) indicates that the ecclesiastical parish of the same name at the 1901 census is coextensive with such parish (or place).
Key to additional code used only in web tables (After place-name)
# in the web tables means that the information is given elsewhere in the tables (if it is available). It is best to refer to the image of the original page by downloading the appropriate PDF file.
Links on web tables
e.g. 2 ..
(after placename in web tables) provides link to a footnote relating to that placename.
e.g. 175 (on right hand side of web tables) provides link to the appropriate PDF file containing the image of the original page.
Chap. – chapelry. The word ‘chapelry’ seems often to have been used as an equivalent for ‘township’ in 1841, which census volume has been adopted as the standard for names and descriptions of areas.
ex par. – ex parochial.